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ESXi 5 + software iSCSI зависает хост


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Кластер из 3-х хостов ESXi 5 build 1117897

Ко всем хостам подключен массив IOmega  px12-450 по iSCSI через софтварный инициатор. На лунах размечена VMFS. СХД используется как дешевый вариант под бэкапы ВМ и для тестовых ВМ. Основные датасторы расположены на СХД IBM подключенного по FC.

Проблема в следующем, когда пропадает сеть (связь) между хостом и СХД по iSCSI по единственному пути, и на хосте были включены ВМ которые располагались на датасторе с СХД IOmega, подвисает целиком весь хост (host not responding), хотя по идее должны лишь отвалиться те ВМ что были на пропавшей луне, при этом другие ВМ на других (живых лунах) запущенные на этом хосте продолжают работать (на них можно подключиться по RDP), но до повисшего хоста никак не достучаться, консоль не отвечает, хотя пинг до хоста есть.

Кто нибудь сталкивался с такой проблемой?

Re: Esxi 5.1 and Data ONTAP 8.1


1.            This is our setup.




hrs1napprd3b> lun show -v /vol/lvol01/hrs1vmwprdX/L0


        /vol/lvol01/hrs1vmwprdX/L0      2t (2199023255552) (r/w, online, mapped)


                Serial#: D1k-l?CchR8p


                Share: none


                Space Reservation: enabled


                Multiprotocol Type: vmware


                Maps: hrs1vmwprdX=0


                Occupied Size:       0 (0)


                Creation Time: Fri May 24 10:23:27 EDT 2013


                Cluster Shared Volume Information: 0x0




hrs1napprd3b> igroup show -v hrs1vmwprdX


    hrs1vmwprdX (FCP):


        OS Type: vmware


        Member: 50:01:43:80:12:08:00:20 (logged in on: 2a, vtic)


        Member: 50:01:43:80:18:6a:dc:18 (logged in on: 3a, vtic)


        UUID: 92b5786d-c47d-11e2-a537-123478563412


        ALUA: Yes


        Report SCSI Name in Inquiry Descriptor: Yes




1.              When I tried from vSphere to add a disk, got the following error








J James

Re: Switches - best bang for the buck?


Thanks, Josh. I just added my vm layout to my signature, but in case it doesn't show up here - the 5424s are dedicated to iscsi and vmotion traffic with separate vlans for each. We enabled jumbo frames last year and saw a dramatic performance increase in backups and vmotion, but not much in the statistical jobs our users run that contain large data sets, so that's what I have my sights on now. Our processors support ept and each host has 284 GB ram, so we almost never see cpu or memory peg on the windows guests even during intense statistical jobs by multiple users. These are all through rdp and all apps are installed on the vm, so all processing is being done on the vm - no client processing.


Our Win2k8 R2 VMs have the e1000 vnics, which appear to set 9014 MTU without any way to adjust. The vswitches and host nics are set to 9000, but my understanding is that they allow for the header overhead. The 5424 is stuck at 9000 and does not allow for the overhead. vmkping tests top out at 8972 (since the header is added), so the switch has to be the bottleneck unless I'm wrong about the vswitch supporting the header.


Interested in more thoughts on the matter, especially if I'm off base on anything.

Re: vmware tools for linux - There was a problem updating a software component


I have the same error under Ubuntu 13.04 with Vmware Player 5 . This happens when you autoupdate your vmware product automaticaly from 9 or 9.1 to 9.2.

A work around i found somewhere is running vmware as root under Ubuntu. So for windows you could try Right mouse on the vmware icon and select run as administrator.

I am guessing a filesystem  rights issue.


Hope this helps anyone.



Re: Failed to request machine from vCAC with blueprint of vCloud type. Error info enclosed.


okay.  this it's likely it uses a single account to perform all actions in the background, then tries to reassign ownership after creation for accounting purposes.


If you login to vCloud Director's website, go into that specific organization, and go into the user's list ... what does the Username column state for that account?


If this is an LDAP or SAML based account, do local accounts work?  this is just for sake of seeing if the workflow is successful.

Re: Size limit of .dat file?


This might just be my headache talking, but maybe you can use Applink to work around the problem?

-Capture the Office installation, but don't build the project yet ("main" project)

-create an empty project ("data" project)

-move files from the main project into the data project, until it looks like both will end up <2GB

-add the data project to the main project's RequiredApplinks
-build both

-remember to always deploy both of them

how to print to local network printer with View Client on Android?



Just wondering if View Client on Android supports printing on local network printer?

What need to take if I want to make View Client print to my local network printer?


Thanks for your opinion!

Re: VMware workstation on Xensever VM


Try setting viridian=false in the configuration for the outer VM, at least until Workstation is installed.  If the installation is successful, you should be able to re-enable viridian, but you will need to add the following configuration option to any nested VMs:


vmx.allowNested = TRUE

vixDiskLibSample crashing after VixDiskLib_Open on Linux 64 bit but working on my Windows 7 Desktop





I have downloaded VDDK Linux 64 bit-from VMWare community
and installed it . I compiled sample vixDiskLibSample programme and running it
to get the VM file details as following :


esxi_rep.exe -info -host <ip> -user root
-password <password> "[datastore1] TESTVM/TESTVM.vmdk"


In DoInfo(), after calling the VixDiskLib_Open function by
the constructor getting the segmentation fault.


dmesg is  :

sanv-rep[6211]: segfault at 0 ip 000000319152148f sp
00007fff3845e638 error 4 in libc-2.12.so[3191400000+175000]


BUT surprisingly its working fine on my Windows 7 deskop (this is with windows sample)where vCenter is installed.If i deploy it on other windows machine it is failing again at VixDsikLib_Open with SSLcertificate  issues. what is the root cause of this issue.

Can you please help me to resolve this issue.

Re: Not sure which VMware product I need


Welcome to the Community - What you describe work - you can use LogMeIn to login directly into the XP machine and the workers access the old application - what ESXi sever cannot do is access the VMs from the server itself.


You could also VMware Workstation or VMware player and set up a similar conifugration - but you will need a machine that is running either WIndows or Linux as the host OS since these are hosted virtualization solutions


I am also moving this to a more appropriate forum

Re: VMware Player unrecoverable error: (vcpu-0)




Perhaps you may need some exclusions on your antivirus

Re: LUN Details


Perfect. But only thing is that in output HBA name is not showing. Runtime Name is showing coming like below:









Also if I want to collect it for multiple esx host and get the output in a csv file how the script would be.

Re: Welcome!

eh Support: What ist damned Problem with 'maschine is in busy'


So, ten years developing?


I installed vm player (yes the current version 5.02 too) , is use windows xp sp3 as vm maschine (installed in VM Player) .

i can used the maschine ~12x (Start and Shutdown) and then i start vm Player , click on the Maschine (XP) and it brings an error

message 'Maschine is busy' and the Transport (VMDB) error -32 Pipe read Failed. I Reboot my Host system ... huh it works another

day ,i start VM Player, error Message -- i reboot doesnt work, reboot it doesnt work , reboot huh It works... what is the damned Problem?


I use Windows 7 X64 SP1


In German: Mir geht das unheimlich auf dem Pisser, man traut sich ja gar nicht mehr das system zu schliessen ohne dabei zu bedenken

das es bei dem nächsten start wier nicht funktioniert. Boah ... bin ich sauer , sorry aber das geht gar nicht.

Wehe hier sagt einer ich soll das host system neu aufsetzten oder Google fragen.....

Public cloud and VR version (5.0 - 5.1)




in a shared recovery site used for Disaster Recovery to the Cloud, deploing SRM 5.1 with vSphere Replication appliance (VRM) 5.1

which versions of SRM and vSphere Replication can I have on the proteted sites?

Can I offer the DR solution both to 5.0and 5.1 vSphere versions? Or customers must upgrade to the same version used in the Cloud?


In other words a vSphere 5.0 ESXi host can use the VR towards a 5.1 ESXi host  (through a 5.1 VR server) ?


Thanks! Mirko

Reporting on NIC Driver stats


We have HP DL380 G7/G8 servers with the Emulex NC552SFP NIC.  The driver puts all sorts of interesting stats like number of drops, fragments, pause frames, errors, etc. in text files stored in /proc/net/be-vmnicNNN (where NNN is a unique number identifying the NIC).  These are neat since they show things that you can't get from esxtop or the vSwitch so I'm trying to find a clever way to pull those stats off of the host so we can report and trend them.


The best we've got so far is enabling SSH on the hosts and having a central server run a script to login to each host and pull the files and once they're copied over we parse the files to pull out the things we care about and drop them into a reporting system. This is pretty clunky and I'd rather not need to use SSH so I wanted to see if this group had a better idea or if someone has already solved this problem.  Someone asked if we could use SNMP to pull just the info we want but the combination of my unfamiliarity with SNMP and my inability to find documentation on MIBs for the Emulex NICs (and not knowing what to do with them if I got them) has left me stuck on that front.  This is an intriguing idea, just not sure if we should go down that path or how to start.


Any ideas or nudges in the right direction would be much appreciated.




Re: Unable to install VMware Player

Re: Best Practice Setting up VNXe 3150


How did you get the datastore to present out of both storage proccessors when creating new datastore it only allows to use eitheremc datastore.JPG a or b

Re: What is the difference VM > Settings > Options > Shared Folders and Preference.


^^;; I always have read the help topic.


But I didn't understand. I use Windows 7 Pro 64-bit as a host operating system.

I have two user accounts. E1240 and sunwizard. E1240 is a administrator account and sunwizard is a normal account.

I tested about 'Enable all shared folders by default'.





E1240 user <----> CentOS64 VM <----> C:\VMsharedFolder

C:\VMsharedFolder was created by E1240 user.

sunwizard user <----> CentOS VM.

sunwizard user was able to mount the shared folder (C:\VMsharedFolder).

Also able to make and delete files in the /mnt/hgfs/VMwaredFolder on CentOS VM.


The result of the activation and deactivation was the same.


Should I use this function in Linux or Windows Server?

Re: ゲストOSのパフォーマンス値について














(たとえばchkconfig で httpdがONになっていたりすれば)




VMware Toolsがちゃんとインストールできている状態

(vSphere Client→ サマリ → VMware Tools のあたりが OKになっている 状態)


今の情報のかぎりでは ESXi的には問題なしに見えます。








具体的にゲストLinuxに問題(コマンド実行しても戻りが遅い、Webの表示が遅い など)

があれば、それをもとに対処する/しない を考えるとよいと思います。




vmstat は、1発だけ実行するとOS(Linux)起動時からの累積値が表示されてしまいます。


# vmstat 20



※停止するときは Ctrl+C で・・・



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